About My Blog...

I can't promise that I will sing you a song (although if I do it might not be out of tune...yes, I am a Beatles fan!) but I can say that I'll share some of my thoughts with you. You may or may not find what I have to say all that interesting for this is just a space where I'm free to be me.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Can't believe this...

I had started a blog for my job a few months back but managed to avoid developing a personal blog.  That is until today.  After my sister and then my mom created their own blogs, I thought what the hell...if you can't beat 'em join 'em.

So I joined 'em.  Heaven help us all...this could prove to be either interesting or dangerous.  I haven't decided which one yet.


  1. Well, well, Crystal, welcome to the 'blogging' world. You will travel to exotic places, meet interesting people, and learn things you never knew (or wish to know), but it is definitely worth the ride.

    Looking forward to your postings...

    Take care, Rose Mary

  2. I don't want to lend you my ears because then I won't be able to hear or wear earrings :(
