It's been a week since my last post. Sometimes I will feel like writing everyday and other days, I just feel like people don't want to hear what I have to say and still others I just don't feel like sharing. But lately, I have had many words, sentences, strings of thoughts swirling in my head...the only problem is where to begin.
Do I write the story idea (or two or three) that seem to be eating away at a little corner of my brain?
Do I comment on the latest elected official and his sex scandal? I mean really! Is it so hard to stay faithful? Just want to point out that it's only the elected men who feel the need to step outside of the marriage and if there are female elected adulterers, well, they are smart enough to not post their pictures on the WORLD wide web! Idiots.
Do I stop writing this blog and actually write my monthly article that is due to my editor on Friday? Better check the archives to see what I've already written so I don't plagiarize myself.
Do I vent my frustration regarding the state of the economy, the lack of jobs, the virtual hopelessness of it all?
What do I write and what do I keep to myself? It's funny because I used to tell my students when in doubt, write what you know. Whether it's fiction, non-fiction or just wanting to get something down on the page. Perhaps when I have a few moments of quiet, I'll get back to that Untitled Novel that is sitting on my hard drive. But I will probably write my 600-700 word article instead.
Then again, it's not due until Friday so I probably won't work on it until tomorrow. Plenty of time.